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Hackers Among Us

Hackers Among Us So far in the month of October we have had five web sites hacked, plus two major attacks against some of the commercial software applications we use daily at Simply Web Services. And one email password compromised. All the attacks this month…

Siri offers the latest backdoor into your iPhone – just ask nicely!

Siri offers the latest backdoor into your iPhone With two lockscreen holes and a fingerprint sensor that can be fooled with woodglue, we thought we’d given diehard iPhone fans a horse that was already dangerously high enough for them not to get down from. Read more here

Recycled Yahoo email addresses still receiving messages for previous owners – passwords included

Recycled Yahoo email addresses still receiving messages for previous owners – passwords included Yahoo announced in June 2013 that it was going to recycle inactive email addresses by giving them to other users who wanted them. Addresses and Yahoo IDs that had been inactive for…

iOS 7 Lockscreen Hole Discovered Already

iOS 7 Lockscreen Hole Discovered Already Lock screens have a chequered security history, with Android having its recent share of problems, too. The main reason is complexity, one of security’s mortal enemies. You can understand why some exceptions to a phone lock might be desirable, or even required…

Privacy – Government Is Tracking Verizon Customers’ Records

Privacy – Government Is Tracking Verizon Customers’ Records The National Security Agency is obtaining a complete set of phone records from all Verizon U.S. customers under a secret court order, according to a published account and former officials. The account provides fresh evidence that NSA’s…

Privacy – US orders Google to hand over user info to the FBI

Privacy – US orders Google to hand over user info to the FBI In March, a US federal judge sided with the privacy advocacy group, Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), to overturn the constitutionality of National Security Letters (NSLs). The letters, the judge wrote, violate free-speech…

Sues over naked photos

Now this one is rich. 🙂 Imagine the scene. You buy a second-hand laptop using it to, among other things, have secret sexy video chats with your significant other. Unbeknownst to you, naked photos of you are being taken by a company hired to track…


Here is a place that claims for a monthly fee they will get you better placement and will also submit your web site to 500,000 Search Engines, Directories and Specialty Sites – but you MUST act now. Well for only $99 a month, this sounds…