Steven Lindsay is Braw

Steven Lindsay is Braw ( Home Page

Steven Lindsay is Braw

Steven Lindsay is Braw, is a fan site for The Big Dish. The Big Dish formed in Lindsay’s native Airdrie in 1983 and came to the fore in 1986 with their first single ‘Big New Beginning’, a song about the move to, and life in a new town. A string of crafted singles peppered the band’s first albums. From ‘Swimmer’ came ‘Prospect Street’, named after an Edward Hopper painting, it betrayed some of the formative influences Lindsay had discovered during his time at the Glasgow School of Art. ‘Slide, a salubrious shuffle-beat of a single brought acclaim from the critics who by now were comparing the band favorably with the likes of the Blue Nile, prefab sprout, the bible, china crisis and tears for fears. Some of the best and most bizarre pointers to the band’s sounds came via the pages of the teen press.

This was a redesign from the previous website that Simply Web Services designed some time ago for the client. This redesign is built on WordPress and the project included:

  • Video Editing
  • Uploading to YouTube
  • Photo Editing
  • Graphics Design
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Web Design
  • Website Hosting
  • SSL Certificate

Steven Lindsay is Braw

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